发现在网上玩角色扮演游戏的研究人员,如D&D提高了自闭症患者的社会技能。 Researchers found playing online role-playing games like D&D improves social skills of individuals with autism.
普利茅斯大学的研究人员发现,在线玩角色扮演游戏,例如Dungeons和D&D(D&D),可以大大提高自闭症患者的社会技能。 Researchers from the University of Plymouth have found that playing online role-playing games, such as Dungeons and Dragons (D&D), can significantly improve the social skills of individuals with autism. 一项有八名当面和在线玩游戏的参与者参加为期六周的研究发现,这场游戏提供了令人欢迎的气氛,使参与者能够在日常生活中应用新人的各个方面,并导致自我认识的改善。 A study involving eight participants who played the game both in person and online for six weeks found that the game provided a welcoming atmosphere, allowing participants to apply aspects of their new personas in their daily lives and leading to improved self-perception. 发展和开发的结构化格式和侧重于个性发展,可能对自闭症者特别有利,因为他们常常在社会互动和交流方面挣扎。 D&D's structured format and focus on individual character development may be particularly beneficial for autistic players who often struggle with social interaction and communication.