费城国际机场 (Philadelphia International Airport) 向 Wagging Tails Brigade 致敬,该旅是为旅客服务了五年的治疗犬。 Philadelphia International Airport honored the Wagging Tails Brigade, therapy dogs serving travelers for five years.
费城国际机场 (Philadelphia International Airport) 通过表彰其 23 名成员和人类训导员来庆祝 Wagging Tails Brigade,这是一群已经为旅客服务了五年的治疗犬。 Philadelphia International Airport celebrated the Wagging Tails Brigade, a group of therapy dogs that have been serving travelers for five years, by honoring their 23 members and their human handlers. 这些治疗犬在他们的护理员的陪同下,每周至少在机场为乘客提供至少两个小时的舒适和娱乐。 The therapy dogs, accompanied by their handlers, comfort and entertain passengers at the airport for at least two hours per week. 他们穿的背心邀请过路人抚摸他们,目的是在空中旅行的压力下给乘客带来喜悦和积极性。 They wear vests inviting passersby to pet them, aiming to bring joy and positivity to passengers amidst the stress of air travel. 以生日礼物、特制蛋糕、参观者在生日卡上签名的机会庆祝这些狗。 The dogs were celebrated with birthday presents, a customized cake, and an opportunity for visitors to sign a large birthday card. 一对夫妇在去度蜜月的路上,转向抚摸一只名叫 Bella 的治疗犬,以努力在航班延误中保持积极。 One couple, en route to their honeymoon, turned to pet a therapy dog named Bella in an effort to stay positive amidst a flight delay.