Patti Smith、De Niro和Scorsese敦促Adams市长拯救曼哈顿小意大利的Elizabeth街花园, Patti Smith, De Niro, and Scorsese urge Mayor Adams to save Elizabeth Street Gardens in Manhattan's Little Italy from demolition.
Patti Smith与名人Robert De Niro和Martin Scorsese一起致信Eric Adams市长, 拯救曼哈顿小意大利的Elizabeth街花园, Rock legend Patti Smith, along with celebrities Robert De Niro and Martin Scorsese, sent a letter to Mayor Eric Adams to save the Elizabeth Street Gardens in Manhattan's Little Italy from demolition. 花园建于90年代初, 对史密斯来说很重要, 是一个有创意的空间。 Built in the early '90s, the garden holds importance for Smith as a creative space. 名人主张保留绿色空间与经济适用住房, 因为拆除行动将在数周内开始。 The celebrities argue for preserving green spaces alongside affordable housing, as the demolition is set to begin within weeks.