包括詹姆斯·史蒂文森在内的6名男子正在格拉斯哥受审,罪名是据称从厄瓜多尔通过香蕉运输走私可卡因。 6 men, including James Stevenson, are on trial in Glasgow for alleged cocaine smuggling via banana shipments from Ecuador.
包括詹姆斯·史蒂文森在内的6名男子因涉嫌参与可卡因走私集团,正在格拉斯哥高等法院受审。 6 men, including James Stevenson, are on trial at the High Court in Glasgow for their suspected involvement in a cocaine smuggling ring. 据称,被告利用香蕉运输,通过厄瓜多尔向联合王国走私A类毒品。 The accused are alleged to have smuggled Class A drugs into the UK via Ecuador using banana shipments. 国家犯罪局 (NCA) 有时间准备处理此案信息,但法国当局以国家安全为由拒绝分享数据。 The National Crime Agency (NCA) was given time to prepare for processing information from the case, but French authorities have refused to share the data citing national security concerns. 在法官Ericht勋爵面前的审判仍在继续。 The trial, in front of Judge Lord Ericht, continues.