印度板球运动员KL Rahul成为品牌大使和珠宝品牌Metaman投资者。 Indian cricketer KL Rahul becomes brand ambassador and investor for jewelry brand Metaman.
印度板球运动员KL Rahul成为Metaman的品牌大使和投资者,Metaman是由Harsh Maskara和Anil Shetty创办的男子首饰品牌。 Indian cricketer KL Rahul becomes brand ambassador and investor for Metaman, a men's jewelry brand founded by Harsh Maskara and Anil Shetty. Metaman 于 2023 年收购了 Drip Project,在 KL Rahul 的投资下,它正在重新构想其优质香水系列。 Metaman, which acquired Drip Project in 2023, is reimagining its premium perfume range with KL Rahul's investment. 该品牌为GenZ提供了负担得起的高质量产品,Rahul体现了其精美香水的精华。 The brand offers affordable high-quality products for GenZ, with Rahul embodying the essence of their exquisite perfumes.