德里高等法院指示德里首席秘书就BJP MLA Abhay Verma指控AAP政府选择性安装闭路电视的请愿作出裁决。 Delhi High Court directs Delhi Chief Secretary to decide on BJP MLA Abhay Verma's petition alleging selective CCTV installation by AAP govt.
德里高等法院命令德里高等法院首席秘书决定BJP MLA Abhay Verma的代理,声称AAP政府仅在执政党领导人代表的地区有选择地安装闭路电视摄像头。 Delhi High Court orders Delhi Chief Secretary to decide BJP MLA Abhay Verma's representation claiming AAP government selectively installed CCTV cameras only in areas represented by ruling party leaders. 法院将请愿书视为德里首席秘书的代表,并要求在两周内作出决定。 The court treats the petition as a representation by the Delhi Chief Secretary and asks for a decision within two weeks. Verma指称,他的Laxmi Nagar选区没有安装闭路电视,这对法律和秩序以及居民的安全产生不利影响。 Verma alleges non-installation of CCTVs in his Laxmi Nagar constituency negatively impacts law and order and residents' safety.