德里高等法院指控一名律师在法庭上有破坏性行为. Delhi High Court convicted a lawyer of criminal contempt for disruptive behavior in court.
德里高等法院认定一名律师因出庭醉酒、大喊大叫和使用辱骂性语言而犯有藐视刑事罪。 Delhi High Court found a lawyer guilty of criminal contempt for appearing drunk in court, shouting, and using abusive language. 法院认为他的行为不可宽恕,是对司法的干涉。 The court considered his actions unpardonable and an interference in the administration of justice. 虽然法院最初倾向于对律师判刑,但认为在FIR之后他被判处5个月以上监禁足以构成目前的藐视法庭行为。 Although the court initially inclined to sentence the lawyer, it considered his 5+ months imprisonment following an FIR as sufficient for the present contempt.