加密货币交易所Bitget和WEEX分别在他们的平台上列出了猫和狗的模拟币. Crypto exchanges Bitget and WEEX list meme coins CATS and DOGS, respectively, on their platforms.
加密货币交易所Bitget和WEEX Exchange在他们的平台上分别列出了猫和狗的模拟币. Crypto exchange Bitget and WEEX Exchange have listed meme coins CATS and DOGS, respectively, on their platforms. Bitget的预市场平台允许用户访问CATS, 这个基于Telegram的Meme硬币, 拥有750万持有者。 Bitget's pre-market platform allows users to access CATS, a Telegram-based meme coin with 7.5 million holders. 与此同时,WEEX交易所将DOGSUSDT永久挂牌为独家WE-Launch活动的一部分,提供零交易费用,大量的100万个DOGS代币的空投,以及代币销售的捐款,以支持孤儿院和儿童家园. Meanwhile, WEEX Exchange has listed DOGSUSDT perpetual as part of an exclusive WE-Launch event, offering zero trading fees, a substantial airdrop of 1,000,000 DOGS tokens, and donations from token sales to support orphanages and children's homes. 这两种交流都支持广岛生态系统内具有高度潜力的项目。 Both exchanges support high-potential projects within the TON ecosystem.