由于降雨和天气变冷, 哥伦比亚特区野火局解除了沿海和卡姆卢普斯消防中心的野火禁令. BC Wildfire Service lifts campfire ban in Coastal and Kamloops fire centres due to rainfall and cooler weather.
不列颠哥伦比亚野火处解除了沿海和Kamloops消防中心的营火禁令,从8月28日中午起生效。 The BC Wildfire Service has lifted the campfire ban for the Coastal and Kamloops fire centres, effective from noon on August 28. 这一变化是在最近降雨量和较凉爽的天气减少了这些地区的火灾危险之后发生的。 The change comes after recent rainfall and cooler weather reduced the fire danger in these areas. 允许高0.5米,宽0.5米以下的野火再次开放,但更大规模的火灾,烟花,天灯,双重爆炸目标和燃烧桶仍被禁止至10月31日. Campfires smaller than 0.5 meters high by 0.5 meters wide are allowed again, but larger-scale fires, fireworks, sky lanterns, binary exploding targets, and burn barrels remain banned until October 31.