阿根廷的电子商务领袖MercadoLibre指控数字钱包MODO在36家银行的支持下,有类似卡特尔的行为和市场集中。 Argentine e-commerce leader MercadoLibre accuses digital wallet MODO, backed by 36 banks, of cartel-like behavior and market concentration.
阿根廷电子商务领袖MercadoLibre对由36家银行支持的数字钱包MODO提出投诉,指控MODO类似卡特尔的行为和市场集中。 Argentine e-commerce leader MercadoLibre files a complaint against MODO, a digital wallet backed by 36 banks, accusing MODO of cartel-like behavior and market concentration. MercadoLibre的fintech 手臂,Mercado Pago, 与MODO竞争, 并声称银行通过支持MODO避免竞争。 MercadoLibre's fintech arm, Mercado Pago, competes with MODO and alleges that the banks are avoiding competition by favoring MODO. 两家公司都向阿根廷国家保护竞争委员会提出申诉,要求进行调查。 Both companies have filed complaints with Argentina's National Commission in Defense of Competition, requesting an investigation.