苹果预计将在9月9日推出苹果观察X(系列10), Apple is expected to launch the Apple Watch X (Series 10) on September 9, coinciding with the 10th anniversary of the first Apple Watch.
苹果预计将在9月9日推出苹果观察X(系列10), Apple is expected to launch the Apple Watch X (Series 10) on September 9, coinciding with the 10th anniversary since the first Apple Watch's launch. 传言称, 设计更细, 屏幕更大, 磁带连接, 推测新的健康跟踪功能, 包括检测高血压和睡眠呼吸暂停. Rumors suggest a slimmer design, larger screen options, and magnetically attached bands, while new health-tracking features are speculated, including detecting high blood pressure and sleep apnea. 该设备可能带有微LED显示功能, 但不确定这是否将包括在2022年模型中, 或推迟到2025年或2026年。 The device may feature a microLED display, but it's uncertain if this will be included in the 2022 model or delayed to 2025 or 2026. 推出10周年特别版本《苹果观察X》的可能性正在增加,类似于2017年的iPhone X。 The likelihood of launching a special tenth-anniversary version, Apple Watch X, is increasing, similar to the iPhone X in 2017.