18 岁的 Deshawn Shipp 在一名 16 岁女孩的袭击指控后,在 Cibolo 被 38 岁的 Joshua Shineflew 开枪打死。 18-yr-old Deshawn Shipp was fatally shot by 38-yr-old Joshua Shineflew in Cibolo, following an assault accusation by a 16-yr-old girl.
在Cibolo,一名16岁女孩指控Deshawn Shipp殴打他后,18岁的Deshawn Shipp在Cibolo被致命枪杀。 18-yr-old Deshawn Shipp was fatally shot in Cibolo, after a 16-yr-old girl accused him of assault. 38 岁的 Joshua Shineflew 在对峙中介入并开枪射杀了 Shipp。 A 38-yr-old, Joshua Shineflew, intervened and shot Shipp during a confrontation. Shineflew 被捕并被指控犯有谋杀罪。 Shineflew was arrested and charged with murder. 调查仍在进行中。 The investigation is ongoing.