77岁的Leonor Guerrero患有痴呆症, 失踪在北拉斯维加斯, 被警方发现安全。 77-year-old Leonor Guerrero with dementia, missing in North Las Vegas, found safe by police.
77岁的Leonor Guerrero被诊断患有痴呆症、高血压和糖尿病,星期天在北拉斯维加斯失踪。 77-year-old Leonor Guerrero, diagnosed with dementia, high blood pressure, and diabetes, went missing in North Las Vegas on Sunday. 最后一次见到她在N.商业街4200街区的公寓附近, 她身高5尺7寸,140磅, 短发灰色,棕色眼睛。 Last seen near her apartment on the 4200 block of N. Commerce Street, she is 5'7" tall, 140 lbs, with short gray hair and brown eyes. 格雷罗穿着黑白衬衫 蓝裤 黑色凉鞋 带着红包 被北拉斯维加斯警方发现安全 Wearing a black and white shirt, blue pants, black sandals, and carrying a red purse, Guerrero was found safe by North Las Vegas Police.