21岁的英国影响力人物索菲亚·格蕾丝宣布,她第二个孩子怀孕20周,第一个孩子后18个月。 21-year-old British influencer Sophia Grace announces pregnancy with her second child at 20 weeks, 18 months after first child.
21 岁的英国影响者索菲亚·格蕾丝 (Sophia Grace) 因在艾伦·德杰尼勒斯秀 (The Ellen DeGeneres Show) 上的露面而闻名,她在怀孕 20 周后在她的 YouTube 频道上宣布了她怀上第二个孩子。 21-year-old British influencer Sophia Grace, known for her appearances on The Ellen DeGeneres Show, announced her pregnancy with her second child on her YouTube channel, 20 weeks into her pregnancy. 索菲亚已经是一个 18 个月大儿子的母亲,她分享了她怀孕的消息,并计划在未来的视频中透露性别。 Already a mother to an 18-month-old son, Sophia shared the news of her pregnancy and plans to reveal the gender in a future video. 她以前曾因孩子年幼而遭到批评,但认为生孩子是个人准备,而不是年龄问题。 She previously faced criticism for having a child at a young age, but believes that having a child is about personal readiness rather than age. 她孩子父亲的身份仍然保密。 The identity of her children's father remains private.