RiverRidge投资90%的碳节约玻璃垃圾收集服务, RiverRidge invests in a 90% carbon-saving glass waste collection service with new biofuel vehicles.
River Ridge是北爱尔兰废物管理领导者,负责投资使用两辆新的16吨生物燃料车,提供玻璃废物收集服务。 RiverRidge, a Northern Ireland waste management leader, invests in its glass waste collection service with two new 16-tonne biofuel vehicles. 这些车辆使用经水处理的植物油(HVO)燃料运行,比正常柴油节省了90%的碳。 These vehicles, running on Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO) fuel, offer up to 90% carbon savings compared to regular diesel. 这一扩展符合里吉河环境、社会和治理战略以及到2040年将其收集服务的碳成本降低90%的承诺。 This expansion aligns with RiverRidge's ESG strategy and commitment to reduce the carbon cost of its collection services by 90% by 2040.