小RFK计划与Trump一起开展改善公共卫生的运动,预计更多的民主政治家会加入进来。RFK Jr. plans to campaign with Trump for improved public health, with more Democratic politicians expected to join.
RFK Jr. 透露了与特朗普一起竞选以改善公共卫生的计划,并表示特朗普将很快宣布更多民主党政客加入他的竞选活动。RFK Jr. reveals plans to campaign with Trump for improved public health, stating that Trump will soon announce more Democratic politicians joining his campaign.Collin Rugg于2024年8月25日报告了这一信息。This information was reported on August 25, 2024 by Collin Rugg.(400个字符)(400 characters)