记者质疑西弗吉尼亚州州长在商业事务和国土安全部儿童保育资金方面的行政透明度。 Reporter questions West Virginia Governor's administration transparency on business affairs and DHS childcare funding.
记者对西弗吉尼亚州州长Jim Justice行政当局在州长商务事务方面缺乏透明度和沟通表示关切。 Reporter raises concerns over West Virginia Governor Jim Justice's administration's lack of transparency and communication on the governor's business affairs. 造成挫折的原因是行政当局不愿意处理财务问题和法律案件,以及人事部不愿意就儿童保育补贴资金短缺问题进行沟通。 Frustration arises from the administration's unwillingness to address financial issues and legal cases, as well as the Department of Human Services' reluctance to communicate about a childcare subsidy funding shortfall. 这位记者对政府缺乏与国家媒体的合作表示失望,并否认了试图让州长的业务失败的指控。 The reporter expresses disappointment in the administration's lack of cooperation with state media and denies accusations of seeking to fail the governor's businesses.