菲律宾警方与被控贩卖儿童的牧师阿波罗·基博洛伊(Arpolo Quiboloy)在院落内对峙。 Philippine police face a standoff with pastor Apollo Quiboloy, accused of child sex trafficking, at his compound.
菲律宾警方与牧师阿波罗·基博洛伊(Apolo Quiboloy)陷入对峙, Philippine police are in a standoff with pastor Apollo Quiboloy, claiming to be the "Son of God," at his Kingdom of Jesus Christ compound. Quiboloy因贩卖儿童和其他犯罪而被通缉,通过电视、广播和社交媒体聚集了700万追随者。 Quiboloy is wanted for child sex trafficking and other crimes, having amassed seven million followers through TV, radio, and social media. 牧师曾担任前总统罗德里戈·杜特的精神顾问,否认指控,指责“邪恶”。 The pastor has served as spiritual adviser to former President Rodrigo Duterte and denies the charges, blaming the "devil."