Karkala绑架和强奸案的幸存者检测结果显示毒品呈阳性,另外登记了贩毒案件。 Karkala kidnap & rape case survivor tests positive for narcotics, separate drug trafficking case registered.
在Karkala绑架和强奸案中,幸存者的血液检测结果为阳性麻醉品,而被告的检测结果为阴性。 In the Karkala kidnap & rape case, the survivor's blood tested positive for narcotics, while the accused's tests were negative. Altaf声称,受害人吸食了在被扣押的汽车中发现的一包毒品。 Altaf alleges the victim consumed drugs from a packet found in the seized car. 已经登记了一个单独的贩毒案件,这两个案件都在调查之中。 A separate drug trafficking case has been registered, and both cases are under investigation. 受害人在身体健康后将送交法庭。 The victim will be produced in court upon medical fitness.