作为国际国际国际象棋联合会支持发展中国家的举措的一部分, 印度大师卡纳潘将在布达佩斯奥林匹克赛上担任厄立特里亚和毛里求斯国际象棋队的教练. Indian Grandmaster Kannappan virtually coaches Eritrea & Mauritius chess teams for the Budapest Olympiad, as part of FIDE's initiative to support developing nations.
印度主教普里亚德哈尔尚·坎纳潘( Priyadharshan Kannappan)实际上正在为即将到来的布达佩斯奥林匹克运动会辅导厄立特里亚和毛里求斯象棋队。 Indian Grandmaster Priyadharshan Kannappan is virtually coaching Eritrea and Mauritius's chess teams for the upcoming Budapest Olympiad. FIDE训练员委员会选择“发展中象棋国”并提供训练支助,以改善其奥林匹克表演。 The FIDE Trainers Commission selects 'developing chess countries' and offers training support to improve their Olympiad performance. Kannappan 是与这些国家的团队合作的三名印度教练之一,他的角色是国际棋联努力提高全球国际象棋表现的一部分。 Kannappan is one of three Indian trainers working with teams in these countries, and his role is part of FIDE's effort to enhance global chess performance.