Gold Fields任命菲利普·安东尼·默纳内为2025年初新任首席财务干事,接替保罗·施密特。 Gold Fields appoints Phillip Anthony Murnane as new CFO in early 2025, succeeding Paul Schmidt.
南非采矿公司金矿公司任命菲利普·安东尼·穆尔纳内为新的首席财务干事,接替保罗·施密特,在资源部门有20多年的经验。 South African mining company Gold Fields appoints Phillip Anthony Murnane as new Chief Financial Officer (CFO), succeeding Paul Schmidt, with over 20 years of experience in the resource sector. Murnane将于2025年初开始,而临时首席财务干事Alex Dall则继续工作,直到他正式开始工作。 Murnane will start early 2025, while interim CFO Alex Dall continues until his official start. 这是因为黄金矿场报告净利润较低,由于黄金产量下降,全年指导减少。 This comes after Gold Fields reported lower net profit and reduced full-year guidance due to a decline in gold production.