尽管销售额上升,但Endeavour集团的净利下降;他们计划通过有针对性的折扣,成本削减和市场份额增长来解决这一问题. Endeavour Group's net profits fell despite rising sales; they plan to address it with targeted discounts, cost reduction, and market share growth.
Dan Murphy公司和BWS公司所有者Endavor Group尽管集团销售额不断上升,但净利润却有所下降。 Endeavour Group, owner of Dan Murphy's and BWS, experienced a fall in net profits despite rising group sales. 为解决这一问题,该公司正在采用有针对性的折扣、降低成本和市场份额增长。 To address this issue, the company is employing targeted discounts, cost reduction, and market share growth. 首席执行官史蒂夫·多诺休认为人工智能和机器学习在促销中发挥了精确作用,并指出在线交易和忠诚度计划提高了参与度. CEO Steve Donohue credits AI and machine learning for precision in promotions, and notes that online deals and loyalty programs have boosted engagement. 公司计划在酒店业务中提高生产率. Endeavour Group plans to expand productivity in its hotel business.