布列塔尼亚酒店关闭了威尔士Prestatin的Pontins度假公园,使其被遗弃。 Britannia Hotels closed Pontins holiday park in Prestatyn, Wales, leaving it abandoned.
位于威尔士普雷斯坦丁的前 Pontins 假日公园自 2023 年 11 月不列颠尼亚酒店关闭以来,一直被遗弃且杂草丛生。 The former Pontins holiday park in Prestatyn, Wales has been left abandoned and overgrown since Britannia Hotels closed it in November 2023. 该公园是该镇一个重要的旅游和商业来源,但一直没有动静,没有从布里安尼亚旅馆得到关于其未来计划的最新消息。 The park was a significant source of tourism and business for the town but has been left untouched, with no update from Britannia Hotels on its future plans. 前访客对网站现状表示悲哀, 要求该公司重新开放或出售公园, Former visitors express sadness at the site's current state and call for the company to reopen or sell the park.