阿塞拜疆于8月26日主办了一次旧车集会和展览,展示1984年以前制造的汽车。 Azerbaijan hosted a vintage car rally and exhibition on August 26, featuring cars manufactured before 1984.
阿塞拜疆于8月26日主办了一次经典的汽车集会和展览,展出1984年以前制造的旧车。 Azerbaijan hosted a classic car rally and exhibition on August 26, featuring vintage cars manufactured before 1984. 该活动由阿塞拜疆汽车联合会、巴库市赛道运营公司和 Dreamland 高尔夫俱乐部组织,Nazar Holdings 是总赞助商,包括“最古老的汽车”、“最独特的汽车”和“最丰富多彩的服装”的颁奖典礼,以及由流行歌手参加的音乐会和娱乐节目。 Organized by the Azerbaijan Automobile Federation, Baku City Circuit Operating Company, and Dreamland Golf Club, with Nazar Holdings as general sponsor, the event included an awards ceremony for "The Oldest Car," "The Most Unique Car," and "The Most Colorful Outfit," along with a concert and entertainment program featuring popular singers.