澳大利亚研究人员从甘蔗废物中创造生物包装,加上抗微生物涂层,减少单一用途塑料废物,延长产品保存寿命。 Australian researchers create bio packaging from sugarcane waste with antimicrobial coating, reducing single-use plastic waste and extending produce shelf life.
昆士兰大学的澳大利亚研究人员从甘蔗废物中开发了生物包装,延长了产品保存寿命,并配有抗微生物涂层。 Australian researchers at Queensland University have developed bio packaging from sugarcane waste, extending produce shelf life and incorporating an antimicrobial coating. 世界领先技术在30分钟内杀死病毒和细菌,在工业支持下,这一技术将在四年内架上架子。 The world-leading technology, which kills viruses and bacteria within 30 minutes, is set to be on shelves within four years with industry support. 这项研究旨在降低澳大利亚作为全球人均单一用途塑料废物第二高生成国的排名,并探索推迟鳄梨和香蕉的成熟进程。 The research aims to reduce Australia's ranking as the second-highest generator of single-use plastic waste per capita globally, and also explore delaying the ripening process of avocados and bananas.