62岁的男子在东哈莱姆被纽约警局枪杀,据称他拒绝放下武器。 62-year-old man fatally shot by NYPD in East Harlem after allegedly refusing to drop a gun.
62岁的男子在东哈莱姆被纽约警局枪杀,据称他拒绝放下武器。 62-year-old man fatally shot by NYPD in East Harlem after allegedly refusing to drop a gun. 警察在接到关于一名男子持枪的报告后对该地区作出反应,并在多次警告后向嫌疑人开枪。 Police responded to the area following reports of a man with a gun and shot the suspect after multiple warnings. 医生在医院宣布死亡之前给他进行了心肺复苏. EMS administered CPR before the man was pronounced dead in hospital. 一名证人对使用致命武力提出质疑,认为警察可以使用泰瑟枪。 A witness questioned the use of lethal force, suggesting police could have used tasers instead.