以《逃往乡村》而闻名的 57 岁电视节目主持人妮琪·查普曼 (Nicki Chapman) 透露了她 2019 年的非恶性脑瘤诊断并接受了手术。 57-year-old TV presenter Nicki Chapman, known for Escape to the Country, revealed her 2019 non-malignant brain tumor diagnosis and underwent surgery.
57 岁的电视节目主持人妮琪·查普曼 (Nicki Chapman) 因在《逃往乡村》中的工作而闻名,之前曾担任辣妹乐队和 Take That 的公关人员,她公开了她 2019 年的脑瘤诊断结果。 57-year-old TV presenter Nicki Chapman, known for her work on Escape to the Country and previously as a publicist for the Spice Girls and Take That, has opened up about her 2019 brain tumor diagnosis. 发现非恶性肿瘤, 与高尔夫球的大小一样, 查普曼接受了手术。 The non-malignant tumor, the size of a golf ball, was discovered and Chapman underwent surgery. 此后,她成为脑肿瘤慈善会的赞助人,并写了一本关于她经历的书。 She has since become a patron for the Brain Tumour Charity and written a book about her experience.