33岁的被判有罪的重罪犯Markee Washington承认在交通停留期间持有火器,包括改装的机关枪。 33-year-old convicted felon Markee Washington pleads guilty to possessing a firearm, including a converted machinegun, during a traffic stop.
33岁的Markee Washington是一名已定罪的重罪犯,他承认作为已定罪的重罪犯持有火器。 33-year-old Markee Washington, a convicted felon, has pleaded guilty to possessing a firearm as a convicted felon. 在2023年2月11日的一次交通拦截中,发现了一支装满32弹的9毫米格洛克手枪和一个将枪转换为机枪的格洛克开关. During a traffic stop on Feb 11, 2023, a loaded 9mm Glock pistol with 32 rounds of ammunition and a Glock-switch, which converted the gun into a machinegun, was discovered. 华盛顿以前被判犯有贩毒罪,最高可判处15年联邦监禁。 Washington, previously convicted of drug-trafficking offenses, faces a maximum penalty of 15 years in federal prison.