六十二岁的安东尼·罗伯茨从奇克失踪自7月5日以来; 关键药物在奇克运河附近发现. 62-year-old Anthony Roberts from Chirk has been missing since July 5; essential medication found near Chirk canal.
自7月5日起, Chirk的62岁的Anthony Roberts失踪。 62-year-old Anthony Roberts from Chirk has been missing since July 5. 他侄女Ashley Blackwell于7月7日在Chirk运河附近发现个人物品,包括基本药物,因此要求了解他的下落。 His niece, Ashley Blackwell, appealed for information about his whereabouts, as personal items, including essential medication, were found near the Chirk canal on July 7. 包括Ashley在内的家人在从Wrexham到Llangollen的地区进行了广泛搜索,但Anthony仍然失踪。 The family, including Ashley, has searched extensively in areas from Wrexham to Llangollen, but Anthony remains missing. 北威尔士警方鼓励任何有信息的人联系他们,请参考47761。 North Wales Police encourage anyone with information to contact them with reference 47761.