不败的蝇量级选手穆罕默德·莫卡耶夫 (Muhammad Mokaev) 在 UFC 合同未续签后与 Brave CF 签约。 Undefeated flyweight Muhammad Mokaev signed with Brave CF after UFC contract not renewed.
不败的蝇量级选手穆罕默德·莫卡耶夫 (Muhammad Mokaev) 在与 UFC 的合同未续签后与 Brave CF 签约。 Undefeated flyweight Muhammad Mokaev has signed with Brave CF after his contract with UFC was not renewed. Mokaev是IMMAF世界冠军,他对返回布拉维CF表示高兴,他在那里开始职业生涯。 Mokaev, an IMMAF world champion, expressed his delight at returning to Brave CF, where he began his professional career. 总统穆罕默德·沙希德(Mohammad Shahid)欢迎Mokaev回来, 强调该组织致力于不分背景为运动员提供平等机会。 Brave CF President Mohammad Shahid welcomed Mokaev back and emphasized the organization's commitment to equal opportunities for athletes regardless of their background.