丰田在华尔街被认为被低估了 30%,公布了创纪录的汽车产量和强劲的混合动力销量。 Toyota is seen as 30% undervalued on Wall Street, posting record car production and strong hybrid sales.
华尔街认为丰田以目前股价计价被低估了30%以上,一致商定的价格目标是240.81美元。 Toyota is viewed by Wall Street as over 30% undervalued at current share prices, with a consensus price target of $240.81. 尽管电动汽车市场面临挑战,但丰田在财政年度创下了1030万辆汽车的生产记录,而Camry混合动力车销量在第一季度同比增长了143%. Despite challenges in EV market, Toyota recorded a record 10.3 million car production in its fiscal year and a hybrid Camry sales increase of 143% YoY in Q1. 强大的混合电动车辆销售和氢动力发动机开发表明汽车巨人的长期增长潜力。 Strong hybrid electric vehicle sales and hydrogen-powered engine development indicate long-term growth potential for the auto giant.