两届美国公开赛冠军大坂直美(Naomi Osaka)因女儿的出生而休假15个月,她重返法拉盛草地。 2-time US Open champion Naomi Osaka, who took 15 months off for her daughter's birth, returns to Flushing Meadows.
两届美网冠军大坂直美(Naomi Osaka)因女儿的出生而休假15个月,她回到了法拉盛草地,希望她的复出势头强劲。 2-time US Open champion Naomi Osaka, who took 15 months off for her daughter's birth, returns to Flushing Meadows, hoping her comeback will gain momentum. 大坂直美自回归以来经历了喜忧参半的结果,她获得了一张外卡进入正赛,她决心表现出色并实现重返前 10 名的目标。 Osaka, who has experienced mixed results since her return, received a wild card into the main draw and is determined to perform well and reach her goal of being back in the top 10. 她童年时对比赛的怀念以及观看她最喜欢的球员如拉斐尔·纳达尔、塞雷娜和维纳斯·威廉姆斯以及玛丽亚·莎拉波娃的回忆激励着她。 Her childhood nostalgia for the tournament and memories of watching her favorite players like Rafael Nadal, Serena and Venus Williams, and Maria Sharapova inspire her.