SCBA主席被控未经授权就Kolkata强奸案发布决议,破坏其严重性,并面临不信任动议。 SCBA President accused of issuing unauthorized resolution on Kolkata rape case, undermining its gravity and facing a no-confidence motion.
SCBA 前主席 Adish Aggarwala 写信给现任总统 Kapil Sibal,指责他在未经执行委员会同意的情况下就加尔各答强奸和谋杀案发布未经授权的决议。 Former SCBA President Adish Aggarwala has written a letter to current President Kapil Sibal, accusing him of issuing an unauthorized resolution on the Kolkata rape and murder case without the Executive Committee's consent. Aggarwala 声称,该决议称该事件为“症状性不适”,并暗示这是司空见惯的,削弱了案件的严重性并表现出利益冲突。 Aggarwala claims the resolution, which calls the incident a "symptomatic malaise" and suggests it's commonplace, undermines the case's gravity and exhibits a conflict of interest. 他要求Sibal撤回决议或公开道歉, He demands Sibal withdraw the resolution or issue a public apology, or face a no-confidence motion.