阿曼航空接收了第一架波音787-9梦幻号飞机,将机队扩大到10个梦幻号飞机。 Oman Air receives its first Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner, expanding its fleet to 10 Dreamliners.
阿曼航空公司收到第一架波音787-9梦幻座机,计划于2024年发射3架梦幻座机,将机队提升至10架梦幻座机。 Oman Air has received its first Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner of 3 planned for 2024, boosting its fleet to 10 Dreamliners. 这符合航空公司经营现代化、一贯的机队的战略。 This aligns with the airline's strategy to operate a modern, consistent fleet. 新飞机有30个商务舱座位和258个经济舱座位,提高了乘客的舒适度,提高了航空公司作为世界级航空公司的财政可持续性和声誉。 The new aircraft features 30 Business Class seats and 258 Economy seats, enhancing passenger comfort and contributing to the airline's financial sustainability and reputation as a world-class carrier.