来自 Smile Younited 慈善机构的移动游泳池为 Kafr Naseh 营地的流离失所的叙利亚儿童提供娱乐和凉爽。 Mobile swimming pools from Smile Younited charity entertain and cool displaced Syrian children in Kafr Naseh camp.
由微笑Younited慈善机构提供的流动游泳池为叙利亚Kafr Naseh难民营的儿童提供了救济和娱乐。 Mobile swimming pools, supplied by Smile Younited charity, have provided relief and entertainment to children in Kafr Naseh camp, Syria. 由于该国战争而流离失所,难民营中的儿童获得福利和服务,包括清洁饮水的机会有限。 Displaced by the country's war, children in the camp have limited access to amenities and services, including clean water. 慈善团体的流动游泳池提供所需的救济, 以免受炎热的夏日炎热, 并为他们充满挑战的生活提供一个幸福的时刻。 The charity's mobile pools offer needed relief from the intense summer heat and provide a moment of happiness in their challenging lives.