路易斯维尔的 Chickasaw 公园开设了一个 $2.5m、ARP 资助的翻新池塘,改善了水质和钓鱼/皮划艇的机会。 Louisville's Chickasaw Park opens a $2.5m, ARP-funded renovated pond with improved water quality and fishing/kayaking opportunities.
路易斯维尔的奇克索公园 (Chickasaw Park) 开设了一个 $2.5m、美国救援计划资助的翻新池塘,提供改善的水质和钓鱼/皮划艇的机会。 Louisville's Chickasaw Park opens a $2.5m, American Rescue Plan-funded renovated pond, offering improved water quality and fishing/kayaking opportunities. 1.5英亩的池塘是俄亥俄河捕鱼的唯一替代办法,肯塔基鱼类和野生动物将储存鱼群。 The 1.5 acre pond, providing the only alternative to fishing in the Ohio River, will be stocked with fish by Kentucky Fish and Wildlife. 新的步行道路和停车场也是该项目的一部分,在开幕式期间,公园内有独木舟、攀岩和当地供应商活动。 New walking paths and parking lot are also part of the project, with the park hosting canoeing, rock climbing and local vendor events during the opening.