1937年,由于退位而被遗弃的爱德华八世国王的加冕窗在新西兰被发现,将拍卖. 1937 King Edward VIII's coronation drapes, abandoned due to abdication, discovered in New Zealand, to be auctioned.
1937年爱德华八世国王的加冕窗帘 在新西兰被发现 现在准备在英格兰汉森拍卖会上拍卖 1937 King Edward VIII's coronation drapes, found in New Zealand, are now set for auction at Hansons Auctioneers in England. 皇家徽章、红色白色蓝色板板用于公共建筑,但由于1936年他退位,加冕典礼被取消,被丢弃。 Royal emblem-adorned, red-white-blue panels were intended for public buildings but were discarded when his coronation was cancelled due to his abdication in 1936. 1961年在一次跳跃中首次发现的独特未找到的面板估计价值300英镑。 The unique surviving panels, initially discovered in a skip in 1961, are estimated to be worth £300.