Edo州州长候选人Udoh Oberaifo指控安全机构在三起绑架未遂事件中撤走指定人员。 Edo State gubernatorial candidate Udoh Oberaifo accuses security agencies of withdrawing his assigned personnel amid three kidnap attempts.
Edo州9月21日州长选举的AAC候选人Udoh Oberaifo声称三次绑架未遂事件幸存下来,并指控安全机构撤回其指派人员。 AAC candidate for Edo State's September 21 gubernatorial election, Udoh Oberaifo, claims to have survived three kidnap attempts and accuses security agencies of withdrawing his assigned personnel. 他警告政府和机构立即采取行动,确保他的安全,因为他无所畏惧地继续他的竞选活动。 He warns the government and agencies to take immediate action to ensure his safety, as he continues his campaign without fear. Oberaifo强调绑架企图和清除广告牌是对民主和民主进程的直接攻击,强调他致力于公平和透明的运动。 Oberaifo highlights the kidnap attempts and billboard removals as direct attacks on democracy and the democratic process, emphasizing his commitment to a fair and transparent campaign.