43岁的Timothy Loftus被控向Tina Arleth提供药物,Tina Arleth因吸毒过量而死亡,被控三级谋杀和干扰一具尸体。 43-year-old Timothy Loftus accused of supplying drugs to Tina Arleth, who died from overdose, charged with third-degree murder and interference with a dead body.
43岁的Timothy Loftus, Rochester居民,被控向28岁的Tina Arleth供应海洛因和芬太尼,Tina Arleth死于服药过量。 43-year-old Timothy Loftus, a Rochester resident, is accused of supplying heroin and fentanyl to 28-year-old Tina Arleth, who died from an overdose. Loftus还负责在田里处置她的尸体。 Loftus is also charged with disposing of her body in a field. 他面临三级谋杀指控和干扰尸体或死亡地点的重罪指控,审判定于2025年2月进行,审前听讯定于1月进行。 He faces charges of third-degree murder and a felony count of interference with a dead body or scene of death, with a trial scheduled for February 2025 and a pretrial hearing in January.