22岁的梅森·格林伍德寻求牙买加公民身份,在国际上代表牙买加。 22-year-old Mason Greenwood seeks Jamaican citizenship to represent Jamaica internationally.
22 岁的梅森·格林伍德是曼联的前锋,他正在寻求牙买加公民身份,希望能代表该国参加国际比赛。 22-year-old Mason Greenwood, a forward for Manchester United, is pursuing Jamaican citizenship in hopes to represent the country internationally. 格林伍德的祖父母是牙买加人,他可能会被征召参加即将到来的国家联赛。 Greenwood, whose paternal grandparents are Jamaican, could potentially be called up for the upcoming Nations League matches. 获得牙买加护照和公民身份的过程很漫长,但Greenwood可能会被批准转换代表制,按照国际足联的规则,如果一名运动员在21岁之前为最初的国家团队举行了不超过三次高级竞聘,则允许他搬迁。 The process of obtaining a Jamaican passport and citizenship is lengthy, but Greenwood may be approved to switch representation, following FIFA rules that allow the move if a player has made no more than three competitive senior appearances for their original national team before the age of 21.