十四岁的李高中生因社交媒体上发布的文章被捕. 14-year-old LEE High School student arrested for gun possession after social media post.
LEE高中14岁学生因在校园持有枪而被捕, 14-year-old student at LEE High School arrested for possessing a gun on campus after a social media post featuring a gun in a school restroom sparked concern. 学校工作人员警告校园警察,警察从他的背包中没收了武器并逮捕了他。 School staff alerted campus police, who confiscated the weapon from his backpack and arrested him. 在职位背景中第二名学生可能面临纪律处分。 A second student in the background of the post may face disciplinary action. 这是本周在圣安东尼奥的史蒂文斯高中再次遭到与枪支有关的逮捕。 This follows another gun-related arrest at Stevens High School in San Antonio this week.