Sonic Youth 的 Thurston Moore 于 9 月 20 日发行个人专辑“Flow Critical Lucidity”,其中包括曲目“The Diver”。 Thurston Moore of Sonic Youth releases solo album 'Flow Critical Lucidity' on 9/20, featuring track "The Diver".
Sonic Youth 的 Thurston Moore 于 9 月 20 日发行个人专辑“Flow Critical Lucidity”,其中包括关于人类颠覆的曲目,包括单曲“The Diver”。 Thurston Moore of Sonic Youth releases solo album 'Flow Critical Lucidity' on 9/20, featuring tracks about human disruption, including single "The Diver". 受日内瓦湖悲惨跳水事件的启发,这首歌的钢琴形象充当了旋律的呼唤、铃声和警报。 Inspired by a tragic Lake Geneva diving incident, the song's piano figure serves as a call, ringing, and alarm of melody. 可在数字平台上查阅。 Available on digital platforms.