Territorial Bancorp 获得 StockNews.com 的“持有”评级,分析师对它的展望喜忧参半。 Territorial Bancorp receives a "hold" rating from StockNews.com and faces mixed outlooks from analysts.
Territorial Bancorp 获得了 StockNews.com 的“持有”评级。 Territorial Bancorp received a "hold" rating from StockNews.com. 尽管缺少EPS的估计,该公司还是作为夏威夷领土储蓄银行的控股公司运作。 Despite missing its EPS estimate, the company operates as a holding company for Territorial Savings Bank in Hawaii. Piper Sandler将其评级提升为“中性”,将价格目标提高到8.50美元,而Keefe、Bruyette & Woods将价格目标提高到11.27美元。 Piper Sandler upgraded its rating to "neutral" and increased the price target to $8.50, while Keefe, Bruyette & Woods raised the price target to $11.27. 机构投资者持有公司股票的50.35%。 Institutional investors hold 50.35% of the company's stock.