2022年的DART任务与小行星月球Dimpos相撞 改变其形状和轨道 2022's DART mission collided with asteroid moon Dimorphos, altering its shape and orbit.
根据一项新的研究,美国航天局的DART飞行任务于2022年成功地与小行星月球Dimpos相撞,永久改变其形状和轨道。 NASA's DART mission successfully collided with asteroid moon Dimorphos in 2022, permanently changing its shape and orbit, according to a new study. 航天器的撞击造成了一个巨大的弹坑,大大改变了月球,使其偏离了最初的进化轨迹。 The spacecraft's impact created a large crater and significantly reshaped the moon, causing it to deviate from its original evolutionary trajectory. 研究人员现在认为,Dimorphos 可能会开始混乱地翻滚,因为它试图重新建立与母小行星 Didymos 的引力平衡。 Researchers now believe that Dimorphos might start chaotically tumbling as it attempts to re-establish gravitational equilibrium with its parent asteroid, Didymos. 该研究还讨论了对未来小行星研究的影响,包括对欧洲航天局Didymos系统后续考察的影响,该考察旨在评估两个小行星的内部特性,并对DART飞行任务进行更详细的分析。 The study also discusses the implications for future asteroid research, including the European Space Agency's follow-up mission to the Didymos system, which aims to assess the internal properties of both asteroids and provide a more detailed analysis of the DART mission.