里约热内卢位列世界最佳夜生活城市, Rio de Janeiro ranked as the world's best city for nightlife in Time Out's global survey.
里约热内卢被命名为世界上最好的夜生活城市, Rio de Janeiro is named the world's best city for nightlife in Time Out's survey of thousands globally, known for live music, dance halls, and affordability. 柏林是欧洲最热门的夜生活城市, Europe's top nightlife city is Berlin, famous for outdoor raves and nightclub Berghain. 菲律宾首都马尼拉是最方便钱包的政党目的地。 Manila, the capital of the Philippines, is the most wallet-friendly party destination. 墨尔本禁止租用电动滑板车, 美国一些酒吧和餐馆禁止20多岁的年轻人. Melbourne bans electric scooter rentals, while some US bars and eateries ban 20-somethings.