Cracker Barrel 将于 2025 年在丹佛的中央公园附近开设自 1997 年以来的第一家科罗拉多州分店。 Cracker Barrel to open first Colorado location since 1997 in Denver's Central Park Neighborhood in 2025.
Cracker Barrel打算自1997年起在科罗拉多市的丹佛中央公园附近新建第一座建筑。 Cracker Barrel is set to open its first new establishment in Colorado since 1997, in Denver's Central Park Neighborhood. 新地点定于2025年启用,将雇用约150人,是该州链条的第四位。 Scheduled for 2025, the new location will employ around 150 people and is the chain's fourth in the state. 流行的乡村商店和餐馆目前在美国45个州有650多个地点。 The popular country store and restaurant currently has over 650 locations in 45 U.S. states.