伯利兹人抗议为贝尔莫潘的新医院购买6.9M沼泽地,批评价格和环境关切。 Belizeans protest $6.9M swamp land purchase for new hospital in Belmopan, criticizing price and environmental concerns.
伯利兹人抗议为贝尔莫潘的一家新医院购买 $6.9M 的土地,批评购买下水道池塘旁边的沼泽地的决定,该土地以最初购买价格的 10 倍以上出售给政府。 Belizeans protest a $6.9M land purchase for a new hospital in Belmopan, criticizing the decision to buy swamp land next to sewer ponds, sold to the government at over 10 times the price it was originally purchased for. 伯利兹全国工会大会 (NTUCB) 确认了 2018 年该土地 610,000 美元的价格,为政府重新考虑其决定留下了空间。 The National Trade Union Congress of Belize (NTUCB) confirmed the 2018 price of $610,000 for the land, leaving room for the government to reconsider its decision. 反对党领袖Shyne Barrow和积极分子也加入抗议活动, 引起对透明度、环境问题以及将伯利兹大学财产挪用于一所教学医院的原计划的关注。 Opposition leader Shyne Barrow and activists join the protest, raising concerns about transparency, environmental issues, and the diversion from the original plan to utilize the University of Belize property for a teaching hospital.