8月24日,一辆骑摩托车的不明攻击者向德里Tilak Nagar的Singla Sweets商店开枪,损坏了前玻璃;德里警方进行了调查。 24 Aug, unknown attackers on a motorcycle fired at Singla's Sweets shop in Delhi's Tilak Nagar, damaging the front glass; Delhi Police investigating.
8月24日,两名不明身份的摩托车袭击者于下午11时15分向德里Tilak Nagar的Singla Sweets商店开枪,损坏了前玻璃,但没有报告有人受伤。 On 24 Aug, two unknown attackers on a motorcycle fired at Singla's Sweets shop in Delhi's Tilak Nagar at 11:15 PM, damaging the front glass but no injuries reported. 德里警方展开了调查,提交了一份情报报告,并在现场发现了4个空弹壳。 Delhi Police initiated an investigation, filed an FIR, and discovered four empty cartridges at the scene. 多个小组正在收集信息并追踪攻击者路线,探测工作正在进行中。 Multiple teams are gathering info and tracking the attackers' route, with the probe ongoing.