从9月9日起,印度亚马逊将特定销售商的销售费减少12%。 Amazon India reduces selling fees by up to 12% for select sellers starting September 9.
从9月9日起,印度亚马逊将减少多种类别的销售费12%。 Amazon India will reduce selling fees by up to 12% across multiple categories starting September 9. 此举旨在使销售商能够扩大其产品组合,并优化其在迪瓦利购物高峰期间和以后的业务。 This move aims to enable sellers to expand their product portfolios and optimize their operations for the Diwali shopping rush and beyond. 这些变化特别有利于出售价格低于500卢比的产品的卖方,不是临时措施。 The changes particularly benefit sellers offering products priced below Rs 500, and are not temporary measures. 亚马逊的销售伙伴服务主任Amit Nanda说,降低收费是回应卖方,特别是小企业的反馈。 Amazon's Director of Selling Partner Services, Amit Nanda, stated that the fee reduction is in response to feedback from sellers, especially small businesses.