52岁的Yamila Perdomo-Hernandez因酒后驾驶而被捕, 在15号州际公路上横扫警察车. 52-year-old Yamila Perdomo-Hernandez arrested for DUI, sideswiping police officer's car on Interstate 15.
52 岁的 Yamila Perdomo-Hernandez 在 15 号州际公路南行时侧擦一名北拉斯维加斯警官的汽车后因酒后驾车被捕。 52-year-old Yamila Perdomo-Hernandez was arrested for DUI after sideswiping a North Las Vegas police officer's car on southbound Interstate 15. 这名警官在车外,没有受伤,与另一起车祸的司机交谈。 The officer was outside his vehicle, unharmed, speaking to drivers involved in a separate crash. Perdomo-Hernandez留在现场,有受损迹象。 Perdomo-Hernandez remained at the scene and showed signs of impairment. NLVPD 强调了不要酒后驾车、使用清醒的司机以及在接近停止的紧急车辆时减速和靠边的重要性。 The NLVPD emphasized the importance of not drinking and driving, utilizing a sober driver, and slowing down and moving over when approaching stopped emergency vehicles.